
Division of General Affairs and Correspondence is a division of the President Office, subordinate to the Vice President for  Admistration. Our main office located on the 1st   floor of the Administrative Building. We serve in various duties for general administration, facilitation and supporting the executive officers of the President team. This division includes 3 departments : (1) General Management and Service, (2) Correspondence and Post Service and (3) Executive Assistant and Meeting; which details of responsibities are declared in  our mission.

In addition, we provide more services in 2 different patterns. First,(a)  services at other two location; the central document storage center, located at 1st   floor of the Library Resources Building, serves in keeping and searching official documents for all units of Wu and in transferring hitorical documents to archives of WU; (b)  the university post office, located at the 1st   floor of Thaiburee Building, serves in postal services for students, staffs and general people. Another one is “Wu Smart Office” which services on Wu computer networks in 4 work systems that (a) Electronic Document Flow System, (b) Electronic Document File System, (c) Electronic Meeting Room Reservation System and (d) Honored Guest List System. Beneath our duties and resoponsibilities, we still try to explore and develop the management and service  system for the good flexible and effective work system. We work hard to finally achieve the vision of this division in three main dimension: “Aim for university profit-customers are satisfied-staffs developed happily”